Publication Design, Information Design
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator
Design Objective: To design three spreads; present the information in a logical, unified and visually appealing manner, and design the information in an appropriate manner in relation to the content. The design is a lucid visual description that clarifies information about the topic and relates to the subject matter covered in the article by providing additional, data-based information. Similarly, the typographic styling, color palette, and illustrative style works in concert with the magazine spread’s aesthetic. This project further refines aesthetic abilities in the typographic structuring of information and the Gestalt Principles of Psychology. It continues to explore the inter-relationship of typography, illustration/graphic interpretation and color. Consider the dynamic use of space in relation to format and explore the possibilities for typographic variation while maintaining maximum clarity as the primary goal.
Design Challenge: The design should visualize the essence of the subject matter while keeping in mind your audience for this publication. This project addresses issues of visual hierarchy and space, the grid, type, image, asymmetrical balance and information design. Contrasts such as texture, rhythm, value, scale, position, positive and negative space are explored. It will explores typographic innovation through the distinction of legibility and readability.

Featured in James Madison University's Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art

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